Knoxville, Tennessee hot tub contractors offer hot tub get fit tips 

If you’re a swimming pool owner, you understand that you can get in a great swim workout all summer long. What happens, though when winter settles in and you can’t swim laps or play in-pool games with your children? Does that mean you have to forego the health habits you’ve come to enjoy? If you own a hot tub or spa the answer, the swimming pool and hot tub contractors from Tipton Pools say is a resounding, “no.”

What kind of exercise can you get in a hot tub or spa? Here are a few to consider. As with any kind of exercise, though make certain your doctor says you are healthy enough to begin an exercise routine:

  • Do some “shoulder shrugs” to loose up your arms and neck muscles.
  • Do some arm circleshot tub exercise
  • Twist from side to side
  • Do side bends. Place your hands on your hips and bend from side to side then backward and forward
  • Sit on the hot tub bench and let the weight of the water help you get a better workout by doing more arm circles and then some leg lifts.

Once you’re warmed up, you can try some of these exercises:

  • Sit on the hot tub seat, support yourself on your arms, keep your stomach muscles taut while bending your legs up to your chest
  • Extend legs and stretch your toes — up and down.
  • Grab the hot tub bar, lift your legs and rotate them just as if you were riding a bicycle. Keep your stomach muscles taut and lift with your stomach, not your back.
  • Do a side leg extension by sitting on the hot tub seat and supporting yourself by your arms. Extend your legs straight in front of you, use your stomach muscles to spread your legs wide then bring them slowly back together. Flex your toes while doing this exercise.

Start out slow, maybe doing ten reps of each exercise, then add more as you are more comfortable doing so. Stay hydrated when you’re exercising in the hot tub. Keep water next to the hot tub side and make certain you’re taking a drink after every exercise.