Tipton Pool contractors, serving hot tub owners in Knoxville, TN explain how to care for it

Many hot tub and spa owners find they don’t use their hot tub or spa as often in the summer as they do in the winter months. Now that the days are cooling off and the nights are even cooler, you may find that you’re using your hot tub or spa more frequently. When this happens you will likely have the swimming pool and hot tub contractors from Tipton Pools care for and maintain your hot tub and its water so you can soak and relax without having to worry about bacteria in the water.swimming pool

Hot tub water is tested much the same way as your swimming pool water. But because the hot tub and spa has heated water and heat helps bacteria grow, you may need or want to check and test the water more frequently. Ask you pool contractor how often you should test the water and what you should be looking for between service visits. You can purchase a chemical test kit to help check pH levels and sanitizer, ie chlorine levels. Test kits come with detailed instructions and information on what the proper range for chemicals should be; but ask us for a bit of a lesson on how to interpret the readings and what to do about them.

Another item you will check and test for is calcium build-up because this can harm hot tub components and the plumbing. Calcium levels should be between 100 to 200 milligrams per quart of water. If it is too low it can damage the water filter and pump. Calcium levels that are too high can make the  water cloudy and cause calcium build up on the walls.

Remember, it’s organic materials such as natural body oils, anti-perspirant and perfumes that you bring into the water with you that can put your water chemicals out of line.

Even with diligent pool care, there will be times when your pool contractor will recommend it be completely drained, thoroughly cleaned and refilled. How often this has to happen will be determined by the number of people who use it and what the frequency is. As an example, a hot tub that holds 600 gallons of water and is used by two people a couple of times a week, means it should be drained and refilled at least every other month.