Earth Day is April 22 and the swimming pool contractors from Tipton Pools in Knoxville, Tennessee can work with you to have a more environmentally- and energy-efficient swimming pool. We have tips on how to celebrate Earth Day in your swimming pool — before, during and after, too!

Have you been looking for a way to have a more energy-efficient swimming pool because you know just how much it is costing on your family’s utility bills? Are you looking for ways to swim in the pool that are more friendly to the environment and to your skin?

How to celebrate Earth Day in your swimming pool

Becoming a swimming pool owner means you will be faced with:

  1. higher utility bills
  2. the cost of pool service
  3. the cost of refilling the pool when water gets splashed out
  4. FUN. FUN. FUN!

To help you focus on the fun, we understand that having a swimming pool that is as energy efficient as it can be is key to pool enjoyment. You don’t want to dread the utility bills or the cost of your pool service contract. You want — and we want you to!– enjoy the time in your pool with as few worries as possible.

There are a few ways in which you can have a more energy-efficient pool. Those include:

  1. using a pool cover when you’re not in the pool
  2. turning the heat down a degree or two on the water
  3. using a variable speed pool pump instead of a single speed pump
  4. cleaning the pool filter regularly
  5. hiring a pool service contractor — yes, many pool owners find it costs them less to hire a pool contractor than to do pool maintenance on their own.

Take the first step toward a more energy-efficient swimming pool by calling a swimming pool service contractor to perform an inspection on your pool. He or she will make note of areas that can be upgraded and updated to help you save money on pool operations and can offer advice and tips on other ways to be more environmentally friendly.

Give us a call today and let’s schedule a pool inspection. Yes, even during these quarantine times, swimming pool service contractors are considered essential and are available to clean and inspect your swimming pool.