Tipton Pools, serving Knoxville, Tennessee explain how to conserve pool water

Swimming pool ownership brings with it, costs you anticipated as well as costs you didn’t anticipate. Those anticipated costs were the ongoing upkeep and maintenance as well as the up tick in your utility bills as well as the cost for initially filling your swimming pool. Did you anticipate the potential ongoing cost of refilling your pool? Chances are you didn’t. Many pool owners meet with their swimming pool contractor from Tipton Pools and discuss the need to keep refilling the pool. Why? Because keeping it filled to proper levels is necessary to keeping the pool equipment functioning properly.

What can you do if you find your water levels keep dipping? Here are a few swimming pool water conservation tipspool privacy fence you may want to consider:

  1. Check for leaks. A leaking pool or hot tub could be a continual drain on your resources because it will need to be refilled all the time. If you’re not sure water is leaking out or if it’s being splashed out you can walk the perimeter to see if there are any visible puddles or you can do the “bucket test” to check for leaks. To do this, fill a bucket with water, mark the water level in the bucket, place it next to your pool and measure whether the water in the bucket evaporates at the same rate as your pool does. If you notice a difference in the levels, it’s time to contact your swimming pool contractor who can do a thorough inspection because the source of a leak may be under the pool where you can’t see it.
  2. A swimming pool cover is your best friend. Why? If you don’t use a cover you can lose up to an inch of water a week to evaporation!
  3. Just keep the pool to the proper levels — too much water will make it easier to splash out.
  4. Lower the temperature on your pool heater. Doing this by even one or two degrees can help slow the reate of evaporation.
  5. Strategic landscaping and use of fencing, shrubbery and trees can cut down on evaporation caused by the wind.

If you’re looking for ways to conserve money and water in your swimming pool, talk with your pool contractor the next time he pays a service visit.