Tipton Pools contractors offer tips to teach your dog to swim in the pool

Did you know that not all dogs can swim and not all dogs love to be in water? It’s true! Before you consider inviting your dog to join you in the pool you will need to teach your dog to swim in the pool — but only if he or she wants to! Just as you’d never force a child to swim, the pool contractors from Tipton Pools say you shouldn’t force a dog to swim in the pool unless he seems eager to.

Teach your dog to swim in the pool

  1. If your dog is nervous, don’t make him get into the water. He may just be afraid because he hasn’t seen water before and with gradual coaxing he may learn to love it. It’s best to have a ramp that your dog can use to get into and out of the pool rather than your having to lift them in and and out. A ramp will make it much safer for your dog. You will need to teach them what the ramp is for and make sure they know how to use it.
  2. If your dog is comfortable using the ramp and getting into the pool, you can play games with him and toss a ball or call him to you and see if he wants to venture into the deeper water. Depending on the health and age of your pet, it might make sense to have them wear a life vest while in the pool.
  3. If your dog seems to like the water, but doesn’t seem to know how to swim, support him or her under the belly while they paddle around. After they seem more confident, let him swim without your support, but stay close by in case of an emergency.

After your dog is done swimming you will want to rinse his fur and skin to remove any chlorine because it could make him dry and itchy. Does your dog love to swim with you?