The appeal of hot tubs in the cooler months of the year cannot be denied and many owners of hot tubs and spas will agree — once the days and nights cool off the time spent in the hot tub or spa heats up! As pool owners, you likely work with Knoxville, Tennessee swimming pool service
Maintain a hot tub or spa
providers to keep your pool water clean and clear during the summer swim months, but having access to a pool pro year round is ideal as they can also clean and maintain your hot tub or spa.
Just as you or your pool service contractor test your pool water with a test kit, they are also used to test the hot tub water’s chemical balances; this is something the owner can do between service visits. A chemical test kit helps you check the pH levels as well as the amount of sanitizer, ie chlorine. Test kits come with detailed instructions and information on what the proper range for chemicals should be. When testing your pH levels should fall between 7.4 and 7.6.
Calcium build-up can threaten your hot tub components and the plumbing. Recommended calcium levels are 100 to 200 milligrams per quart of water. If the calcium levels fall below that you can cause severe – and costly – damage to your water filter and pump. Calcium levels above this range can make your water look cloudy and can cause build up on the walls and also damage equipment.
If you and your family come home and jump right into the hot tub you are bringing natural body oils, anti-perspirant and perfumes in with you. Because of this you will want to oxidize the water at least weekly to address these issues. Oxidization is a non-chlorine shock that dissolves and removes body oils and cosmetic build-up.
The swimming pool contractors from Tipton Pools explain that with a hot tub there will be times when it will need to be drained, thoroughly cleaned and refilled; the frequency will be dictated by how many people use it, how often it gets used, and how much water it holds. If your hot tub holds 600 gallons of water and two people use it on a semi-regular basis (a couple of times a week) the spa should be drained and refilled at least every other month. Following simple hot tub maintenance on a daily, weekly, monthly and periodic basis will allow for years of efficient use.