Did you know something as simple as adding pool timers can save you money on the cost of operating your swimming pool and its equipment? It’s true! How pool timers can save money is simple, but you need to ensure they are properly installed and that they are properly set up and that is something the pool contractors from Tipton Pools in Knoxville, Tennessee can help you with.

The addition of timers to pool and hot tub equipment and even lighting in your outdoor pool area is not only convenient but will keep money in your wallet. Timers make it easy to turn on filters, heaters and pumps and other equipment at specified times and also turn off at specified times. As you know there are times you forget to turn off equipment and it’s been running longer than necessary and that costs you money and there are also times when you forget to turn on the equipment and that can cost you money. A timer can be worth its weight in gold to help offset these “lapses in memory.”

If you set a timer for lights or fountains it’s possible to set the mood and heighten the ambiance around your swimming pool before you even jump in.

How pool timers can save money

Ask us about the various options available for timer installation and the benefits they provide.

  1. There are electronic timers that have digital read-outs. These are energy efficient as they only use a minuscule amount of electricity. These timers are usually safe to leave around water because the voltage that flows through it is low enough that it won’t likely cause shocks.
  2. A twist timer – similar to an egg timer — are useful in your hot tub or sauna as a way to limit the time you’re soaking. The timer will turn off the jets at a set time. When you’re in the hot tub or spa you should make certain you aren’t in for too long because you can become dehydrated.
  3. Smart timers that connect to your phone or computer through an app can alert you when the equipment turns on and turns off and might even be able to give you an estimate on what you’re spending when the equipment is running. Smart apps make it easy to track usage and notice if there are any gaps in the running time.

Check Pool Info Site for information on swimming pool and spa amenities and accessories.

The next time we pay a service visit let’s talk about timers and if you’re in the process of getting a new pool constructed, talking timers as part of the process is the ideal time!