Tipton Pools offers pool landscaping and tree planting tips

The landscaping your have in your backyard and around your swimming pool can truly add to the aesthetics and enjoyment you have in and around your swimming pool. Pool landscaping includes deck areas as well as the plants and flowers and trees you may opt to have installed. Care must be taken when planting as some trees could drop so many leaves that it can negatively impact your pool filter and the roots of trees could spread and damage the pool structure.

When you’re considering how to landscape, talk with the pool contractors from Tipton Pool Builders in Knoxville, Tennessee so that you make informed pool landscaping, planting, and design decisions.



The best poolside trees

Before you decide on the type of trees you want around your swimming pool, here are a few items to consider:

  1. The climate where you live. Look for plants that can survive the climate and that will flourish poolside.Own a Pool
  2. Are you looking for shade trees or decorative trees?
  3. Do you want to plant as a way to block the neighbor’s view of your home or pool area?
  4. Are the trees being planted for form or function?

The best trees, some pool contractors say, include: evergreens, holly, magnolia, olive trees, oleander, acacia. Make certain these trees will thrive in the climate in which you live.

Trees to avoid

  1. Plant trees that will thrive where you live
  2. Don’t plant trees that will lure in bees and other bugs.
  3. Avoid trees that will drop leaves or sap into the pool
  4. Avoid trees that have berries or small leaves as the berries could stain the pool and small leaves are harder to skim off
  5. Look for trees that won’t have spreading roots as they can damage the plumbing or pool structure

Trees to avoid include: cottonwood, weeping willow, oak, pine, walnut, popular or ash trees.

Talk with us before you undertake a landscaping project to assure your pool isn’t negatively impacted.