It’s that time of year. Time to close your swimming pool for the season. It’s never a favorite time for anyone but you’ve had the entire swimming pool closing summer to build memories and know that next year you will be able to do the same. Now is the time though that you will want to contact your swimming pool builder and service contractor from Tipton Pools to get on the schedule for a final cleaning and a pool closing. A complete winterization of your swimming pool is crucial to protect it during the winter months, prevent freezing or damage to equipment, and to prevent the growth of bacteria or algae. Properly closing your swimming pool for the winter is more involved than a simple weekly cleaning also, a proper swimming pool closing can save work when it comes to opening the pool for the summer.

When your Knoxville, Tennessee swimming pool builder comes to close your pool here are some of the tasks he will perform:

  • One of the important items he will check is to make certain the water chemistry is balanced. Test the pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness to make certain they are within the proper ranges. If you balance your water chemistry you will prevent staining that could occur if the chemicals are out of balance.
  • Adding a winterizing chemical (from a test kit) to the water after it’s been sufficiently drained to keep the water clear and blue for the summer season.
  • Lower the water below the edge of the skimmers as a way to keep water from spilling into the skimmers when/if it freezes as it will cause damage.
  • Clearing the water from your plumbing and filter lines is also crucial to keeping your pool safe from damage during the winter because remember if water is left in the lines and if it freezes it will expand and can crack the lines and equipment. Once the water has been removed you will want to plug the lines so no water gets back in.
  • The pool will be skimmed and vacuumed and is free of all dirt and debris.
  • The swimming pool cover will be put in place. The style of pool cover that’s best for you depends on several items – from in-ground styles to above ground styles. Make certain the cover is properly installed and weighed down and make certain too, that you check it periodically to make sure no rain water or other standing water accumulates that could make the cover fall into the water.

For information on swimming pool closing and its importance check out the Pool Info Site’s winter pool closing tips.