Reasons to renovate your swimming pool, Tipton Pool builders explain

Does your swimming pool need to be renovated? Is it old? Did you just move into a house that had an existing swimming pool? Do you want more energy efficient pool equipment? There are myriad reasons to renovate your swimming pool the pool contractors from Tipton Pools explain and the ones mentioned are the tip of the iceburg.

There will come a time when you simply want to breathe some new life into your existing pool and jump into a pool renovation. Pool contractors understand that you may want to renovate for aesthetic reasons or for usability or to upgrade efficiency.

When you talk with us, we can let you know what are items that should be considered must-do renovations as compared to want-to-do items. We can let you know those items that are in need of replacement and/or repair. You will want to keep the must-dos in mind as you talk with us and begin work on your pool renovation.

Reasons to renovate your swimming pool

Here are three to consider when thinking of a pool renovation project:

  • The pool tiles. If they are faded or cracked or too smooth they may need to be replaced because they are safety hazards. Cracks or stains on pool walls and/or floor could be addressed during your renovation. Cracked tiles could lead to injuries or a leaking pool.
  • Is the pool no longer suitable for your family? When your children were small the pool might have been ideal; as they’ve grown, have they outgrown the pool? Can they comfortably swim laps? Does the pool need to be lengthened?
  • Is it time to amp up the pool fun? How about adding a hot tub or spa? A fountain? Beach entry? Sun shelves? Or any number of other pool accessories that will add to the fun and enjoyment you have in your pool.

Start your pool renovation project soon so you don’t lose too much of the summer swimming season!