It’s a question the swimming pool contractors from Tipton Pools in Knoxville, TN get asked quite regularly: “Should you shower before you swim?” If you remember back to your school days you will likely remember that everyone had to shower both before and after swimming and the reason for that was to keep to a minimum dead skin cells, perfumes, shampoos, lotions and other items that swimmers bring into the water with them.

As an adult, though should you shower before you swim? Should you ask your friends and family to shower before they get in the pool? It’s a sometimes touchy subject because you don’t want friends and family to take offense, right?

Should you shower before you swim?

It’s been found that taking a shower before getting into a swimming pool is not practiced very often — in many countries around the world, not just in the United States. You may think, “Why should I shower, I’m going to be getting into water!” Here are some reasons to shower before you swim:

  1. Remove contaminants and bacteria from your body. Unless you just showered, your body has “stuff” on it that can contaminate the pool water — sweat, shampoos, deodorant, urine and more.
  2. It’s common courtesty. When you shower before you jump into the pool at a friends’ house you are letting them know you are cognizant of their pool and the cleanliness of the water.
  3. The pool water will be safer and cleaner if everyone showers first. A swimming pool uses chlorine to keep the water clean and to kill bacteria, and if you aren’t bringing as much bacteria into the water, there may be fewer chemicals needed.
  4. The pool, as mentioned, may need fewer chemicals if everyone showered before they jumpint into the water. The pool equipment will last longer and the pool structure itself will not be subject to chemical build up if fewer are used.
  5. You could save money on pool maintenance. If you ask your guests to shower, sure you may be spending more money on your home utility bills (check that against the amount it costs to clean and maintain your pool) but if you can save more on your pool maintenance it may be worth it. If it’s a… well… “wash” then don’t worry so much about a pre-swim shower.

If, when you first get your pool everyone understands that you appreciate them showering first it won’t turn into a big thing and no one will have his or her feelings hurt. Tell friends and family it helps you save money on pool maintenance. On another note, if your friends and family have to traipse through your house to shower it may not be worth it, but if you have an outdoor shower or a pool house, then shower away!